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T.D. McNeil Insurance Services

110 Blue Ravine Rd, Suite 105,
Folsom, CA 95630

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Does my RV insurance limit who can drive my RV?

At T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, we find RV insurance one of the most misunderstood types of policy. Folsom, CA residents with RV policies must list the individuals who will drive the RV.

RV Driver Requirements

Typically, RV policies let you add up to four drivers besides the RV’s owner. Each motorhome driver must maintain a valid driver’s license in the US. Some policies set an age limit, such as 18 or 21 years of age, to reduce risk.

Why Add Drivers?

Motorhome trips can mean long hours of driving, so many RV owners list every adult member of their immediate family on their policy. This lets them share driving duties.

In many ways, RV insurance works like auto insurance. For someone to use your vehicle, you need to list them on your insurance. That’s why spouses typically list both names as drivers on their policies. RV insurance works the same way.

Contact Us Today

Perhaps when you purchased your RV policy from T.D. McNeil Insurance Services you did not plan long trips, so you only listed yourself. You can update your RV policy to add drivers at any time. We recommend adding as many\ qualified RV drivers as your policy allows so you protect your finances in case of an accident.

If your family drives the RV and causes an accident, your policy may not cover the damages to your RV or the other vehicles. Before you leave on a trip from Folsom, CA to parts unknown, update your motorhome coverage. Call or email our offices today to get started.

Documents you should always have in your vehicle

When you are driving, there are some things you should always have in your vehicle. You need a spare tire and a jack in the event you get a flat. You need to have a flashlight in the glove box and a bottle of water. At T.D. McNeil Insurance Services in Folsom, CA, we provide personalized insurance service, and we will make sure that your auto insurance meets your needs. 

Documents you should always have in your vehicle

Vehicle registration

In California, vehicles are required to be registered annually. In order to get your vehicle registered, you need to get a smog emission test every other year. You should keep not only your vehicle registration but your emission results in the glove box of your vehicle. If you are in an accident or are stopped for another reason by the authorities, you will be required to show your registration. If it isn’t in the vehicle, there may be an issue. If your registration expires, you can be fined. 

Insurance card

When you get your auto insurance, it comes with cards that prove that you have auto insurance. These cards need to be carried in your vehicle to prove that you have auto insurance. There are strict penalties for failure to carry the required amount of auto insurance. Put it in the glove box with your vehicle registration.

Driver’s license

In the state of California, all drivers are required to have a driver’s license. A driver’s license is a form of ID, and most people carry it on their person in their wallet, pocket, or purse. It does not have to be left in the vehicle, but if you are driving, you need to have it with you. 

Reach Out To Us

Contact T.D. McNeil Insurance Services in Folsom, CA, when you need an independent insurance agent to meet your auto insurance requirements. 

Does boat insurance cover boat accidents in California?

Under California law, you are not required to carry boat insurance. Boating is a very popular activity in Folsom, CA, and many boaters probably carry either no insurance or inadequate protection.  Even if you choose not to carry insurance through T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, you are still responsible for anything that happens when you are out boating. Because there are more boats on California waterways, the state has a higher risk of being in an accident.

Boats and Accidents

California has some particularly great places for boating. Unfortunately, that also means that other people take advantage of the great location to let loose on the water. Even if you are careful and follow every rule, you may still be in an accident. Accidents may be caused by speeding, bad weather, or even just not paying attention. This can lead to property damage, injury, and even death. When there is no insurance, how will those damages get paid?

Who Was at Fault?

If you were at fault during an accident, the injured party or parties can sue you for compensation. When you have insurance, those parties will deal with your insurance company instead of you. If you were negligent and caused an accident, your policy will pay up to the maximum limits you chose. On the other hand, if you choose not to carry insurance, you will be personally liable for any damages and deal directly with victims.

Reach Out To Us

Boat insurance from T.D. McNeil Insurance Services will keep you from using your own bank account and property to compensate accident victims. If you enjoy boating in Folsom, CA, please feel free to call and learn how boat insurance can benefit you.

Who needs umbrella insurance?

Umbrella insurance from T.D. McNeil Insurance Services is a type of insurance policy that provides additional liability coverage beyond the limits of your existing policies. It’s designed to protect you from unexpected events here in the Folsom, CA area that could put you at risk for a lawsuit or costly judgment. 

Who needs umbrella insurance?

The answer is simple – anyone who has assets they want to protect should consider adding umbrella coverage. This includes homeowners, business owners, professionals, and anyone liable for a claim over $1 million dollars. Umbrella insurance can help you cover the costs associated with litigation, settlements, and legal fees in the event of an accident or injury caused by you or someone in your household.

Umbrella coverage also covers claims that may not be covered by your existing policies, such as libel, slander, or false arrest. So even if you don’t consider yourself “high-risk” when it comes to liability claims, adding umbrella insurance can provide much-needed protection for your assets and peace of mind in the event of an unfortunate incident.

Umbrella policies are usually purchased in increments of $1 million and can range anywhere from $100 to a few thousand dollars per year, depending on your risk profile. Before purchasing an umbrella policy, thoroughly review the coverage offered by your existing insurance policies and make sure all gaps in coverage are filled. 

Reach Out To Us

For more information on umbrella insurance, give us at T.D. McNeil Insurance Services a call today. We are proud to serve the Folsom, CA area and would be happy to help you find a policy that meets your needs and your budget. So don’t wait! Give us a call today.

Three priorities when you buy a flood insurance policy

Buying flood insurance is important whether you live in a flood zone or not. Flooding can happen almost anywhere, and flood damage is one of the most significant causes of damage to homes in the US. 

At T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, we insure homeowners in Folsom, CA against flood damage. If you are in the market for flood insurance, there are a few priorities that you should focus on.

The following are three key priorities when you buy a flood insurance policy:

Checking your options through the NFIP

The National Flood Insurance Program subsidizes flood insurance for homes in high-risk areas. If you live in a flood zone, you should definitely look into NFIP coverage before buying private flood insurance coverage. You may be able to enjoy significant savings with an NFIP-subsidized policy. 

Looking into your deductible options

One of the biggest decisions you make when you buy flood insurance is what your deductible amount is.

Insurance providers typically provide a few deductible options. Choosing a higher deductible could be a good way to bring down premium costs. However, you should remember that a higher deductible means you’ll have to pay more out of pocket if you need to file a claim in the future. 

Finding competitive rates by getting a few quotes

Always shop around to find a flood insurance policy with competitive rates. You should request quotes from a few different flood insurance providers and carefully compare these quotes before making a decision. 

Give Us A Call

Get a quote on a flood insurance policy for your home in Folsom, CA by getting in touch with us today. At T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, we’re here to provide you with the insurance coverage you need to protect your home and finances. 

I Think I’m the Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy

T.D. McNeil Insurance Services works with people just like you every day in Folsom, CA to claim life insurance benefits. Once the claims are distributed, the funds can be used to pay off a mortgage, pay off tuition expenses for college, or just about any other way the beneficiary sees fit. Keep reading to learn more about life insurance and how to find out if you are a beneficiary.

What Is the Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy?

A beneficiary is the individual or organization named in legal documents as the recipient of a person’s financial assets. Regarding life insurance, the payout will go to the beneficiary listed in the policy.

Even if a will says that the life insurance payment should go to a different person, most of the time, the beneficiary named in the policy is the one who gets the money. Policyholders can choose a secondary beneficiary, also called a contingent beneficiary, in case the main beneficiary of the insurance policy can’t or won’t get the money. In the event a primary or secondary beneficiary is unable to receive life insurance benefits, the funds will go to a residuary beneficiary. 

How to Find Out if You’re a Beneficiary?

It is not up to the life insurance company to tell the people who are supposed to get the money from the policy. If you think you might be the policy’s beneficiary, you should contact the probate court where the person who died lived. Life insurance beneficiary data is public information, so you can check the person’s will to see if you’re listed in it. In the event that you are, you’ll then need to contact the executor of the will. 

Give Us A Call

Think you’re the beneficiary of a life insurance policy in Folsom, CA? Contact T.D. McNeil Insurance Services today to learn more about the process of finding out if you are owed any beneficiary funds. 

Here’s Why Motorcycle Insurance is Absolutely Crucial

Riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun. However, you will want to make sure that you are properly insured before hitting the road. While motorcycles are generally safe, this safety depends on drivers following the rules of the road. If you get in an accident on a motorcycle, you could be severely injured, and your property may end up damaged as well. Fortunately, the right motorcycle insurance plans can provide some protection.

Get in touch with T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, serving Folsom, CA and other areas nearby, to learn more about motorcycle insurance plans.

Mitigating Risks with Motorcycle Insurance

Modern automobiles are quite safe. Among other things, they are often equipped with airbags, automatic braking, rear-view cameras, and effective crumple zones. These safety features have made modern cars much safer to drive than their past counterparts.

Unfortunately, many of these safety features simply can’t be installed on a motorbike. While motorcycles now are safer than they were in the past, if an accident does occur, the risk of someone getting hurt is much higher than in the typical modern car or truck. Further, when people are injured, the injuries themselves are often more severe when motorcycles are involved.

Motorcycle insurance plans may cover medical bills resulting from injuries while using a motorcycle. This includes the motorcycle operator, passengers, and people in other vehicles. Keep in mind, however, that who is covered and how much is covered can vary depending on the plan and provider. It’s crucial to read the terms and stipulations for each motorcycle insurance plan you are considering.

Reach Out To Us

Further, most state governments also require that owners have insurance plans on their bikes. If you drive without insurance in California, you could end up in hot water. Contact T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, serving Folsom, CA and other areas nearby, to discuss motorcycle insurance plans.

Do You Need a Seperate Renter’s Insurance Policy if Your Roommate Has One in Place?

If you have a roommate, you’ll want to learn more about rental insurance’s do’s and don’ts. This coverage is designed to provide liability protection for individuals who rent or lease a living space. This policy also covers some contents. This is necessary coverage that protects you and offers several benefits. If you want to secure reliable renter’s insurance, the experts at T.D. McNeil Insurance Services are proud to provide the residents of Folsom, CA with coverage that meets their needs. 

Renter’s Insurance 

Renter’s insurance is essential for protecting the renter if there is a covered event. These events can range from theft and natural disasters to fires. The renter’s insurance also covered contents such as some personal items of value, major appliances, and other things. If you have roommates, however, they need their own policy.

If you purchase a policy, the insurance only covers the individual named on the policy. You may be able to add a roommate to your policy, however. To find out more about ways to get a renter’s insurance protection, reach out to one of our expert insurance agents. 

We can work closely with each customer to determine what coverage fits their needs and offers the most protection. We can also assist them with any changes or submission of claims for a covered event. 

Call Us Today

Anyone interested in finding out more about renter’s insurance or needing a reliable policy should call or stop by our office at T.D. McNeil Insurance Services. We are standing by to assist the residents of Folsom, CA, ensuring they get the insurance protection that provides peace of mind. 

How to prepare your motorhome for the winter

T.D. McNeil Insurance Services has been serving Folsom, CA residents with all their insurance needs, including coverage for motorhomes. If you’re new to motorhomes or have never done any prep work on a motorhome before, it’s important to start by doing some research and learning about what types of things are typically required to prepare a motorhome for the upcoming season.

This will allow you to identify anything that might be missing or require replacement before the temperatures drop too low.  

How to prepare your motorhome for the winter

Some common items that need to be checked include the RV’s battery, the tires, and all systems and equipment. Checking these items will help ensure that they’re in working order before you take your RV out on any long trips or face any potentially hazardous driving conditions.

If your RV is equipped with a generator, now is also a good time to get it serviced if needed. As you prepare for winter, be sure to keep safety in mind as well – taking steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning should always be one of your top priorities when parking an RV outdoors during colder months.

When preparing your motorhome for winter, it’s also important to consider what types of items you’ll need to bring with you on any trips or overnight stays during the season. Items like warm weather clothing, extra blankets, and even a portable heater can help keep you comfortable when temperatures drop.

By taking the time to properly prepare your motorhome for winter, you can ensure that it remains in top condition throughout the cold months and that you’ll be able to enjoy plenty of safe, fun trips during this season.

Get Motorhome Insurance Today

With these tips in mind, you can prepare your RV for winter today! For the best protection for your motorhome, make sure to get or update your insurance coverage. Get in touch with our insurance experts at T.D. McNeil Insurance Services. We serve the Folsom, CA area

Why Do You Need RV Insurance?

RVs are incredibly diverse vehicles because they can be used for a comfortable living experience or for an exciting traveling excursion. But no matter your purpose for purchasing an RV, you will need to obtain RV insurance. 

The need for RV insurance is quite similar to the need for auto insurance. Because the RV will be mobile at some point regardless, it must be protected in the event of a collision taking place on the road.

There are several other reasons why you need an RV insurance policy:

Obtaining RV coverage separate from your home and car insurance policies will allow for additional safeguarding that may not be available with other policies. Due to RVs being fairly expensive, it is paramount to provide protection at all times regardless.

After purchasing your RV, the insurance policy will actually allow you to save money overall, including during vacations – your policy can include additional coverage that extends to your travel plans. Due to it being a separate policy, you will be directed to agents and other staff who are educated in RVs and RV claims.

Lastly, maintaining the correct coverage in California is also required by law.

Get The Right Coverage Today

T.D. McNeil Insurance Services in Folsom, CA will assist you in receiving the correct RV insurance coverage for your situation. Our agents understand the importance of RV liability insurance and can guide you through the process to make certain that you are covered legally and financially.

T.D. McNeil Insurance Services will provide you with peace of mind so you and your investment will be secure. Our qualified insurance professionals will make sure that you are able to stay on the road safely. Call us today or stop by the office if you are in the Folsom, CA area.

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  • foremost
  • Hudson
  • Kemper
  • Liberty Mutual
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  • Metlife
  • National General
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  • Progressive
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  • Stillwater
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers